Surface: 812 s.m.
Supervision: 2012
Client: Municipality of Syros - Hermoupolis
The contest requires the design of a shelter, along Chios Street in the town of Hermoupolis. The project involves the replacement of the existing diverse shade structures, with a new steel construction, that highlights the commercial character of the street, contributes to the functional improvement of the market and enhances the aesthetics of the surroundings, taking into account the unique cultural value of local, traditional architecture. The shelter is divided into two parallel, non equal [as regards their width and height] zones. Each zone consists of movable, transparent parts, situated in different heights that follow the morphological elements of the buildings on either side of the street. The proposal aims to compose a flexible structure, which adapts to the building facades, provides adequate lighting and ventilation for the market area and allows vertical "eye - escapes" preventing from the feeling of "oppression" that would probably arise inside the shelter, in the case of using non transparent surfaces.